Mobility 4 Agricultural International Networks Supporting Thematic Resilience and Enhancing Adaptation and Mitigation (MAINSTREAM)


Project Summary

MAINSTREAM project is implemented by a consortium of 7 universities: Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf (HWST) (Germany), Mountains of the Moon University LBG (Uganda), Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (Kenya), Arsi University (Ethiopia), Universite De Kara (Togo), Universite Du Sine Saloum El-Hadj Ibrahima Niass (USSEIN) (Senegal), University of the Free State (South Africa) and strives to influence common agenda for addressing education and skills improvement for the agricultural knowledge systems (focusing on climate change resilience) both at regional and country levels targeting transformations with the Tertiary agricultural education community (networking, South-South exchanges, leadership and entrepreneurship programmes) as well as Policy and industry actors. The project provides pathways for institutional modernisation and internationalisation reforms, leveraging the consortia existing partnership on agriculture education and skills with other public and private organisations involvement across the continent to drive innovative solutions and value addition in interdisciplinary agricultural programmes at master and doctoral levels and further inspire their inclusive implementation. Mobility scheme is used also to break cross-African gendered perceptions of agriculture that underestimate women and girls´ participation and to further provide for a gender-sensitive learning environment and institutional culture as well as for addressing infrastructure, support services and safety. MAINSTREAM aims to provide credible and standing solutions defying low academic and mobility of workforce across Africa, increasing the focus on applied research in climate-sensitive Agricultural Education and Training, addressing limited appeal and participation of vulnerable and underrepresented groups, including youth and women, in agricultural learning systems, and promoting a set of supportive cross-regional measures for policy considerations. Thus, the project facilitates agricultural programmes graduates to access meaningful community development engagements across the continent.


  • Webinars

  • Staff and Student mobility across African Continent.

Principal Investigator(s)

Prof. Christopher Obel Gor


Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology

Funding Source

European Union under Erasmus Project

Key Activities and Milestone

  • Kick off Meeting

  • Development of Short Course in Climate Change Causes, Adaptation and Financing.

  • Webinar on Climate change Causes and Adaptation Strategies

  • MoUs with relevant Stakeholders

  • Receiving and hosting of 6 international students from other consortium partners.

Impact and Relevance

Expected Outcomes:

  • Increased staff and student academic mobility across the African countries

  • Policy recommendations on mechanisms for recognition of credits and study periods at foreign HEIs




Dr. Mary Akinyi Orinda

Prof. Solomon Ogara

Dr. Richard Magwanga

Prof. Charles Omoke

Dr. ArvinLucy Onditi

Dr. Romana Mbinya

Mr. Samuel Ohanga

Dr. Lydia Nyambok

Mr. Charles Dwasi