The CEAFS promotes transformational change of agriculture and food systems, and conserve environment through thought leadership, scaling of innovations and technologies, and research.
The CEAFS promotes transformational change of agriculture and food systems, and conserve environment through thought leadership, scaling of innovations and technologies, and research.
Harness a holistic research agenda to build a more sustainable, resilient, equitable and nourishing food system.
Promote a sustainable and resilient transformation in environmental conservation and rapid response to environmental risks.
Integrate climate-smart agriculture for transformative discoveries, education, and community engagement.
Foster inclusive partnership for knowledge sharing, effective implementation, support targeted capacity building and to drive results and share risks.
Increase small-scale farmer incomes and household food resilience through community-driven design of interventions targeting 5,000 farmers in Siaya County
Increase agricultural output and value-add–Establish 2 small -scale agro- and food processing hubs in Siaya County through public private partnership process targeting both domestic and export markets
Actively monitor environmental risks and promote sustainable natural resource management targeting restoration of 3,000 acres Yala swamp
A disciplined focus on evidence-based outcomes aligned with Kenya’s national agenda around environment, agriculture and food security that have been vetted by key implementing partners for their feasibility, innovation, and inclusion of digital, research and data-driven tools.
A strong bias for partnership with stakeholders to drive results and share risk through a fully incorporated prioritization of impact and budgets from the design phase
A coordinated response to food system risks in the community including sustainable land, soil and water use, climate-smart and climate resilient agriculture, and crisis responses to pests, disease and environment degradation
Establish a Knowledge Hub on Urban Food Systems for Kisumu City– The Knowledge Hub collates research (in varying forms, such as publications, videos, books, podcasts etc) about urban food systems. It should have advanced search and filtering functionality (i.e. resources are tagged with a variety of searchable categories including theme, resource type, location and keywords).
Furthering support for climate change and environmental conservation initiatives:
Promotion of environmental health and biodiversity: increase productivity while maintaining and conserving the environment and biodiversity
Establishment of tropical fruit crops- for protecting ecosystems and promoting small holder farmer livelihoods
Promotion of food, nutrition and health- For small holder farmers and their families, food security is closely tied to nutrition and health. to increase investments in efforts to adapt the most important indigenous and orphan crops to climate change. This initiative will identify the most important crops for nutrition in amongst community members through a multi-stakeholder process; assess how these crops will perform under climate change; and invest in yield improvement efforts for these crops.
Establishment of Aquaculture and Fisheries: Focus on sustainable management of aquaculture and fisheries to enhance food security and meet increasing demand.
Increase Access to Water Resources: Expanding access to groundwater and irrigation systems to help farmers break the cycle of poverty, hunger, and malnutrition.
Investment in Crop and Livestock Systems: Addressing the rising global demand for crops, meat, and seafood, while managing the intensified pressure on agricultural systems.
Short Courses for Students: Offering specialized courses for graduate and undergraduate students interested in topics such as hunger, rural development, global resources, environmental degradation, and the impacts of climate change on food security.
CEAFS focuses on key research themes, including:
Green economy
Gender and social inclusion
Climate-resilient pathways
Natural resource management aimed at preventing future shocks.
Knowledge Hub on Urban Food Systems: Established a comprehensive repository for urban food system research.
Branded Umbrellas Donation: Received branded umbrellas from NCBA Bank to support various initiatives.
Sustainable Agriculture Initiatives: Cultivated maize, beans, and soybeans at JOOUST-Koru Farm to promote sustainable agriculture and food security.
Tree Nursery Establishment: Set up tree nurseries in Bondo and JOOUST-Koru Farm for reforestation efforts.
Conference Presentation: Presented a poster during the Commission for University Education Conference at Kenyatta International Convention Centre in June 2024.
In alignment with the government’s goal of planting 15 billion seedlings by 2023, CEAFS has provided diverse tree seedlings to several schools and community groups, including:
Barkowino Secondary School
Nyakasumbi Primary School
Nyatilili Primary School
Motherland Community-Based Organization
Acacia Community
G4 Community-Based Organization
CEAFS is actively partnering with a wide range of stakeholders, including:
National and County Governments
Knowledge and research organizations
International development agencies and aid institutions
International agricultural research centers (CGIAR)
United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)
Environmental non-profits
Private sector firms
Examples of Collaborative Projects
Nourishing Western Kenya Project: Partnered with Oxford Brookes University and Kiwimbi Kenya.
Advancing Sugar Beet Cultivation: Collaboration with Ngalo Heritage Organization (NHO) and South Africa Climate Change Consortium (SACCC) to promote sugar beet farming, sorghum value addition, climate-smart foodstuff, post-harvest management, and enhanced production in Siaya County.
Siaya Community Greening Initiative: Partnership with Equity Bank Kenya.
Environmental Conservation Initiatives: Collaboration with LAKE AGRO.
CEAFS has outlined both short-term and long-term goals, focusing on the following areas:
Establishment of a Data Centre for Food Security: Leveraging big data and new analytical techniques for better measurements and targeted solutions to food security challenges.
Promotion of Climate Impact Mitigation and Adaptation: Supporting sustainable and climate-smart investments.
Carbon Credit and Financing: Exploring opportunities in carbon markets to support sustainability initiatives.