The wellbeing aspect encompasses self-care, caring for others, and environmental stewardship—areas that often receive limited attention in current healthcare service delivery. The centre thus integrates various components of community health and wellbeing, which include but are not limited to: healthy bodies, social connections, balanced mental health, connection to nature, sustaining behavior change, and socio-cultural factors for improved healthcare at the community level.

CHAW recognizes the vital contributions of both public and private stakeholders in achieving its objectives. The centre provides a much-needed space for stakeholders to bridge existing gaps in healthcare and cultivate a culture of resilience.


Accessible, adequate, equitable, and quality healthcare and wellbeing services.


To promote community engagement in health and wellbeing through research, innovation, and outreach.

Primary Areas of Focus:

The centre aims to channel its efforts toward innovatively leveraging financial functional units within communities to enhance access to healthcare services.


In collaboration with our School of Health Sciences, we are refocusing our postgraduate research, curricula, and outreach programs (including student attachments and internships) to adopt incremental, relay-baton approaches that lead to community-centered solutions. Key research thematic areas include:

  • Prevention and Health Promotion

  • Health Rehabilitation
  • Personal and Community Care Services
  • Environment and Health


The centre is committed to harmonizing and complementing the efforts of various stakeholders, as well as empowering individuals, households, families, clans, and communities to make informed decisions about their health. This holistic approach aims to achieve comprehensive health care at the community level.


CHAW will collaborate with the Centre for Culture and Material Science to create platforms for disseminating research findings to communities. Additionally, it will partner with the Centre for Agriculture, Food Security, and Environment to address issues related to malnutrition and the One Health approach.

Future Plans and Objectives

Short-Term Strategic Starting Points

  • Assessment of Ongoing Projects and Prioritization of Research Areas:
    We will evaluate existing projects to identify gaps and opportunities for enhancement, aligning with our research mission.

  • Strategic Mobilization of Partnerships:
    To sustain our projects, we will prioritize mutually beneficial collaborations with stakeholders, ensuring long-term support and engagement.
  • Recognition of Staff and Postgraduate Research Capacity:
    We will actively collaborate with our staff and postgraduate students to generate preliminary research results, which will form the foundation for larger collaborative research initiatives.
  • Grant Applications:
    We plan to increase our efforts in securing research funding by applying for multiple grants as a cohesive team. The centre coordinator will reach out to potential researchers and institutions for joint grant applications, where applicable.

Long-Term Strategies and Sustaining Points

  • Capacity Building and Expertise Diversification:
    The centre will invest in the development of skills, knowledge, and resources, demonstrating our ability to achieve goals effectively and efficiently.
  • Technology Transfer and Adoption:
    We will conduct research focused on local priorities to ensure participatory, equitable, and sustainable technology transfer, tailored to community needs.
  • Embracing Adaptability:
    The centre will continuously adapt its strategies to navigate changing market dynamics, customer preferences, and the competitive landscape. Emphasis will be placed on developing services or products that generate income, supporting new initiatives.
  • Collaborative Approach:
    We will foster internal research efforts and exchange ideas with like-minded universities and research institutions, promoting a collaborative approach to research and innovation.



Prof. George Ayodo PhD

Prof. George Ayodo PhD

Centre coordinator -
Mr. James Otieno

Mr. James Otieno

Research Fellow -
Mr. Kambarage Kokwaro

Mr. Kambarage Kokwaro

Research Assistant -
Ms. Niver Chepkwemoi.

Ms. Niver Chepkwemoi.

Research Assistant -
Mr. Michael Orut Onyango

Mr. Michael Orut Onyango

Administrative Clerk - jooust