The STREAMING project aims to develop strategies for fair, healthy, and environmentally sustainable food systems across Africa. By fostering connections between basic research and practical implementation, the project seeks to promote innovation and entrepreneurship among various target groups, including women, researchers, students, and farmers. Key methodologies include networking platforms, innovation hubs, startup scouting, and training programs. The project focuses on policy analysis and recommendations to inform trade policies in Africa and Europe, with an emphasis on removing non-tariff barriers to trade and enhancing resilience against external challenges such as climate change.
STREAMING: Sustainable Trade Regimes with Europe and Africa through Mapping Innovation, New-technology and Growth-mindset

Project Summary
Principal Investigator(s)
- Name: Thomas Loetzbeyer
- Affiliation: Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf
- Prof. Christopher Obel-Gor
- Profile: Principal Investigator
- Affiliation: Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology (JOOUST)
Funding Source
- Agency: European Research Executive Agency (REA)
- Program: Horizon Europe (HORIZON)
Key Activities and Milestone
Project is yet to commence
Impact and Relevance
The STREAMING project is significant in its potential to transform food trade systems in Africa by promoting sustainable practices and technologies. The project aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry, enhance trade policy frameworks, and contribute to fair, healthy, and environmentally friendly food systems. The project’s impact extends to various stakeholders, including policy makers, researchers, entrepreneurs, and vulnerable populations, fostering a more resilient and inclusive food trade environment.